目前分類:小朋友作品 (17)

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這大概是Fort Worth動物園參觀後, 老師要小朋友畫他在動物園裡看到最喜歡的動物.


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Nate's work on Summarizing this book.

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Nate Made this Mother's Day card and he insists to giv eit to me on Mother's day, not a day earlier, Not a day later.

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母親節收到的ㄧ束很特別的花, 純手工做的


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This is a really sweet Mother's Day card from Little Eddie.

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Eddie is so cute!

You can tell in his little mind, Candy is the most important thing and is his favorite.

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First Draft!

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This is made by Andrea 2006 for Thanksgiving.

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This is Nate's work, Pilgrim Boy. The folder is design like a suitcase with his drawing and wirting.


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老師的評分很高, 評語是: You are a wonderful writer, Andrea.

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